Boris Shingarov <> writes:

> My work on Lilypond development has been temporarily put on the back
> burner.  Right now, we are concentrating on something slightly
> different: we are working to secure a very large Lilypond-based
> contract, for a major series of critical editions by a major publisher
> (I'm not allowed to divulge any details yet including who the
> publisher is, but I am sure everyone on this list is familiar with the
> name).  IF we are successful, it will mean a radical breakthrough in
> acceptance for Lilypond.  Some time ago, I was talking about how I
> wanted to transform Lilypond from "a volunteer project with limited
> resources" (Graham's definition), into a professional open-source
> project where at least some of the core people can afford to spend
> non-trivial amounts of time on their passion.  I'll come back as soon
> as I have something to announce (either good or bad).

Well, one nice thing with free software development is that you can't
really announce something bad (except perhaps for your personal plans).
If everything goes wrong with your endeavour, the project is not worse
off than before.

In commercial settings, stagnation often means death.  With free
software, stagnation mostly means stagnation.

David Kastrup

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