"David Kastrup" <d...@gnu.org> wrote in message news:87bow0nvj3....@fencepost.gnu.org...

If you do

   make bin-clean bin

this will not work since "bin-clean" cleans out the libraries, and "bin"
does not recreate them.

Actually, not even

   make lib

will help since it claims to be finished, when

   make bin

is still complaining about the missing flower library.  I have not yet
found any way to do the equivalent of "make lib" short of just doing
"make all" and then killing make once the compilation has moved over to
creating the docs.

I think there's a general rule of never actually using make *clean* - it's better to nuke the build directory and start from scratch.

Make bin was one I added very recently. It _only_ checks for changes in the lily directory, so will _only_ work after make, and if the sole changes are in that directory.

Phil Holmes
Bug Squad

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