Hi Andrew,

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 3:41 AM, Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>

> Using a grace note set that spans two staves, reduced from a vastly more
> complex real score to a more minimal example, if I use a hairpin between
> the sfz and the p indications, I get a programming error related to
> vertical alignment that I am unable to understand, or eliminate. Can folks
> explain this? It is unclear to me whether this is a defect, or my incorrect
> usage.
> Andrew
> — compilation log
> Starting lilypond 2.19.29 [exp-k-p11-simpler.ly <
> http://exp-k-p11-simpler.ly/>]...
> Processing `/home/andro/work/lilypond/proportion/exp-k-p11-simpler.ly <
> http://exp-k-p11-simpler.ly/>'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> programming error: My pure_y_common is a VerticalAlignment, which might
> contain several staves.
> continuing, cross fingers
> programming error: My pure_y_common is a VerticalAlignment, which might
> contain several staves.
> continuing, cross fingers
> programming error: My pure_y_common is a VerticalAlignment, which might
> contain several staves.
> continuing, cross fingers
> programming error: My pure_y_common is a VerticalAlignment, which might
> contain several staves.
> continuing, cross fingers
> programming error: My pure_y_common is a VerticalAlignment, which might
> contain several staves.
> continuing, cross fingers
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...
> Drawing systems...
> programming error: bounds of this piece aren't breakable.
> continuing, cross fingers
> Layout output to `/tmp/lilypond-40hIxW'...
> Converting to `exp-k-p11-simpler.pdf'...
> Deleting `/tmp/lilypond-40hIxW'...
> Success: compilation successfully completed
> Completed successfully in 0.7”.
> — compilation log
> — snip
> \version "2.19.29"
> treble = {
>  \clef treble
>  \time 1/4
>  c''16_\sfz
>  \grace {
>    \bar ""
>    ees'''8^>]_\sfz\> g''^> f' a' d''
>    \change Staff = middle
>    b fis_\p
>  }
>  \change Staff = top
>  \bar "!"
> }
> bass = {
>  \clef bass
>  \time 1/4
>  c16
> }
> \score {
>  \new PianoStaff
>  <<
>    \new Staff = "top" \with {
>    }
>    { \treble }
>    \new Staff = "middle" \with {
>    }
>    { \bass }
> >>
>  \layout { }
> }
> — snip

 I had this error with one of my scores, and I determined that it was
caused by the initial dynamic being on a different staff than the terminal
one.  I was able to fix this (less than optimally, but just fine visually)
by changing the attachment of the initial dynamic to another note.

Well, that's not an option with your snippet.

Have you tried attaching your dynamics in this instance to spacers on the
lower staff?

By the way, I thought I'd investigate the source of the programming error.
I thought it might be the DynamicLineSpanner in your case.  Turns out to

A more minimal example triggers the warning with TimeSignature:

treble = { c''4\< \change Staff = middle c'\f }
bass = { s2 }

Beats me.

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