Hi Federico, Étienne!
This is perfect!

I suggest this description:
Compress all the music in a single page output file. Margins, page numbers and 
tagline are removed from the output.

It's not perfect, its wrong.

An example: zzztest.ly contains one score that results in a pdf with two pages if 
"lilypond zzztest" is used to compile the source. But other backends give 
different results:

   knut@golem:~/test> lilypond --eps --pdf -dcrop zzztest.ly
   GNU LilyPond 2.21.0
   Processing `zzztest.ly'
   Layout output to `zzztest.eps'...
   Converting to `zzztest.pdf'...
   Layout output to `zzztest-1.eps'...
   Layout output to `zzztest-2.eps'...
   Converting to `./zzztest-1.pdf'...
   Converting to `./zzztest-2.pdf'...
   Layout output to `zzztest.cropped.eps'...
   Converting to `zzztest.cropped.pdf'...
   Converting to PNG...
   Success: compilation successfully completed

You see that "all the music in a single page output file" is wrong as here also 
cropped eps/pdf images of every page are produced.

I remember that it is necessary to note that a bit of white space introduced by 
e.g. an empty *Markup and a minimum-distance/padding etc might remain.

This can be fixed with e.g.

   \paper {
        oddHeaderMarkup      = ##f
        evenHeaderMarkup     = ##f
        oddFooterMarkup      = ##f
        evenFooterMarkup     = ##f
        bookTitleMarkup      = ##f
        scoreTitleMarkup     = ##f

(I know that some but not all of those settings are necessary for the described 
purpose, but I don't have the time to test that now.)

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