Paul Hodges <> writes:

> --On 05 May 2018 17:00 +0200 David Kastrup <> wrote:
>> You'd have
>> to bring this forward to a more current version to make it worthwhile
>> looking at it closer: it's rather unlikely that anything will be
>> reasonably reproducible otherwise.
> I need to look out the working download link to get 2.19.81 installed -
> but I very quickly brought back the fault using 2.19.80.
> The source is at:
> <>
> The compilation output (from Frescobaldi) is:
> Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.19.80 [Conversation Heart Test .ly]...
> Processing `C:/Users/paul.CASS/Desktop/Anime Lilypond
> Scores/Conversation Heart Test .ly'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...[8][16][24][32][40][48]
> Exited with return code -1073741819.
> I should say that /very/ rarely it would compile one time and then fail
> - possibly on first time after a system reboot, but I can't be
> completely certain.  It did make me wonder about some memory management
> issue being involved, though (but I suppose that's pretty obvious
> anyway).

Doesn't fail on my 64bit Linux on either 2.18.2 as delivered with Ubuntu
or a current compilation with checks enabled, neither in default
configuration or with virtual memory limited to 500MB (assuming that you
don't have less than that).

Which puts us in the "hard to debug" category.

David Kastrup

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