In NR 3.1.3 Nesting music expressions

the following example is given for a temporary staff:

\new Staff {
  \relative {
    r4 g'8 g c4 c8 d |
    e4 r8
      { f8 c c }
      \new Staff {
        f8 f c
    r4 |

While this looks mostly right it is wrong because the temporary staff isn't properly ended, which you can see if you add more music:

\new Staff {
  \relative {
    r4 g'8 g c4 c8 d |
    e4 r8
      { f8 c c }
      \new Staff {
        f8 f c
    r4 |

If I'm not mistaken this temporary staff is only ended automatically if the polyphonic section aligns with a barline:

\new Staff {
  \relative {
    r4 g'8 g c4 c8 d |
    e4 r8
      { f8 c c r4 }
      \new Staff {
        f8 f c s4

If this behaviour is considered a bug it should be addressed.

Otherwise the documentation should be changed:

a) the cheap solution would be to simply make the example work properly by aligning it to a full measure b) the proper solution would be to explain that when the polyphony doesn't align with a bar the temporary staff has to be stopped explicitly with \stopStaff.

The same is true for the second example in that section.

How should we proceed about this?

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