Am 27.10.19 um 17:30 schrieb foxfanfare:
Thanks for your replies. Where did you find this reference in Gould's book?
I was looking for that before writing my initial post but without success.
On the contrary, I found this example which suggests otherwise (see the
second one):

That example is the same in the german translation. But at p. 172 (“Horizontale Ausrichtung von Pausen → Ganztaktige Pausen”, i. e. “Horizontal positioning of rests → full measure rests”) she writes something like “If the rest measure contains a clef, key signature or time signature, one has to center the rest in the remaining space”, see attachment.

So Gould is inconsistent here ;)

I also rember writing orchestral music and I found always strange when
several MMR where not centered in their measure because only one instrument
had a clef change... Or maybe I don't get your point.

Yes, that’s what I find strange too.
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