Jean-Baptiste Mazon <> writes:

> I've narrowed the regression down to commit
> 9edf3715c2b2cca09785dcd015724ad3c29cba8a “Issue 621: Dynamics should avoid
> cross-staff BarLines (e.g. GrandStaff, PianoStaff etc)”
>>    Dynamics usually have extra-spacing-width set to an empty interval so
>>    that their placement does not cause other elements to shift.
>>    With span bars, however, the resulting overlap is a worse cure than
>>    the problem.  So this switches off the width-hiding setting of
>>    extra-spacing-width inside of staff groups using span bars by default.
>>    No extra space is allocated, so dynamics will clear the span bars only
>>    narrowly, a reasonable compromise.
> Which makes a lot of sense when you read it. (and yay, reading the diff
> provides me with a workaround)
> So obviously, I'll stand in and say I disagree with the premise, given my
> context, but now at least I see what the change's aim was.
> Could we find some (more) compromise here?
> It seems right now, the dynamic will refuse to cross a virtual bar line,
> even if it causes a layout stretch, even if there's no barline to cross at
> all (single staff within a group; last staff of the group; etc).
> The UGLY situation does happen in the wild—that's how I discovered it.
> Any opinion welcome.

This wants improvement.  Basically we probably need a better way to
figure out whether we are in the middle of a StaffGroup with spanbars?

> %%
> \version "2.18.0"
> % The \tweak isn't necessary per-se, it just makes it more visible
> dyn = \tweak DynamicText.self-alignment-X #LEFT
>   #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:normal-text
>     "dynamic text shouldn't push next bar to the right"))
> % Occurs within a StaffGroup:
> \score { \new StaffGroup { r r r e''\dyn e'' e'' e'' e'' e'' } }
> % But not out of it:
> \score { \new Staff      { r r r e''\dyn e'' e'' e'' e'' e'' } }
> %% (less pathological, and with a staff below for context)
> \version "2.19.0"
> \new StaffGroup <<
>   \new Staff <<
>     { \repeat unfold 16 c''16 c''1 }
> { s2...\ff s16-#(make-dynamic-script (markup "pp" #:normal-text #:italic
> "subitissimo")) }
>   >>
>   \new Staff R1*2
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David Kastrup

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