> While I am not an apologist for any operating system, I fear folks
   are being far too quick to blame Windows here.
   > Like any current operating system concerned with
   internationalization, Windows and NTFS handles and supports filenames
   with Unicode characters just fine.  There are only a few characters and
   filenames that are reserved [1] by the file system and operating
   system, but those are ASCII-only.
   > The attached image shows a file with Greek and Cyrillic characters in
   its name.  In all shells, I used tab-completion to enter the filename
   in the prompt.  The only visual quirks are due to some shells not using
   the right codepage, but that is an application-level issue.  For
   instance, CMD has its roots in an older era, so I would not expect it
   to handle UTF-8 content.  On the other hand, I was surprised by
   Powershell's default encoding.
   > As my experience with Python is very limited, I will make no attempt
   to comment on whether the this thread's original issue is due to the
   musicxml2ly script, the Frescobaldi program, or the Python
   language/runtime itself.  But rest assured, a properly-written program
   can most definitely interface with the Windows API and file system to
   allow for Unicode characters in file paths.

   The opposite here. I don't understand Windows

   at all but I have quite some experience with Python.

   Basically, one of the key goals for the major transition

   to Python 3 was to handle Unicode natively. Despite

   Python 2 being gone for years (and just getting

   officially unsupported), LilyPond kept using Python 2

   until very recently. Development versions now use

   Python 3.

   The traceback clearly indicates  the use of Python 2

   (and even Python 2.4 which is decades old):

   File "/usr/lib/python**2.4**/encodings/utf_8.py", etc.

   So, I'm not surprised by this problem. It should

   disappear with Python 3.

   However, if it does happen with Python 3, then there

   is an issue to tackle. I don't know what version shipped

   in LilyPond 2.20 but if you ever encounter the same

   problem with 'python3' in the traceback, please



   Jean Abou Samra
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