> Le 27 août 2023 à 21:52, Kevin Cole <dc.l...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> That just leads to:
> fatal error: compiled without CAIRO_BACKEND
> which means I will have to install and keep track of yet another version of 
> LilyPond -- this one compiled from scratch...

Compiling from scratch is (of course) not needed -- just follow 
https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/learning/installing to get the 
official binaries. (The error means your LilyPond distro package doesn't 
compile with Cairo, which was still possible for 2.24 though not really 

> (I begin to understand why there needs to be 15 versions of documentation 
> now.)

? There is no separate version of the documentation for Cairo support.

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