%% Seth M LaForge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  sml> (Make version 3.79.)  Consider:
  sml>   % cat Makefile 
  sml>   %.1: %.2
  sml>           cp $< $@
  sml>   %.2: %.3
  sml>           cp $< $@
  sml>   .SECONDARY:
  sml>   % ls
  sml>   Makefile  foo.3
  sml>   % make foo.1
  sml>   cp foo.3 foo.2
  sml>   cp foo.2 foo.1
  sml>   rm foo.2

  sml> According to the documentation, the .SECONDARY target should
  sml> cause all files to be considered secondary (and thus not
  sml> deleted), but it doesn't work.

This is obliquely stated in the documentation:

     The targets which `.SECONDARY' depends on are treated as
     intermediate files, except that they are never automatically
     deleted.  *Note Chains of Implicit Rules: Chained Rules.

     `.SECONDARY' with no prerequisites marks all file targets mentioned
     in the makefile as secondary.

Note the second paragraph.  The targets you give aren't mentioned in the
makefile; they're built using implicit rules.

I agree with you, however, that this is a strange restriction and this
area needs to be revisited, for all of PRECIOUS, INTERMEDIATE, and

I'll file an enhancement request about it.

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Find some GNU make tips at:
 http://www.gnu.org                      http://www.paulandlesley.org/gmake/
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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