Follow-up Comment #4, bug #15718 (project make):

Hi, Paul~

Everything you said is very true. I'm a Perl programmer and I know what `perl
foo' and `perl -e foo' do. And I know GNU make always sends `-c' to the shell
as well. Furthermore, I also quite agree the idea of SHELLFLAGS and the
current workaround by writing a wrapper around the perl interpreter, and etc,
etc, etc.

But, unfortunately, you seem to miss my point in [comment #2]. Sorry, I
didn't make my point clear enough. I think I have to rephrase it here:

* SHELL variable assignment within Makefile doesn't work for Win32 port of
GNU make. That's the bug.

* SHELL variable assignment on the command line does work for Win32 port of
GNU make. That's what we expect

In the screen-shot given in my previous [comment #2], cygwin-make *did* the
right thing although it complains.

BUT, win32-make did *NOT* do the right thing. win32-make should have
complained but it didn't. win32-make apparently did not even try to use
`perl' as the shell at all. It must looked back to my Cygwin sh.exe or
something instead of `perl', the value of the SHELL varaible in the

That's all. :=)

This bug really has nothing to do with `perl'. `perl' is just an arbitrary
sample value, just as what Eli said in [comment #1].

For another example demonstrating this bug, please take a look at my [comment
#3] for [bug #15720]. Thank you for your patience. :P




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