On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Edward Welbourne <e...@opera.com> wrote:
>> How about if we introduce a variable that can be set for specific
>> targets (using the target-specific variable mechanism).  Targets that
>> set this variable to some predefined value will not have their output
>> redirected, so their output will go to the screen.
> IIUC, the proposal is to make the feature be enabled by a .NAME target
> (I forget the name);

.PARALLELSYNC, as currently coded.

> perhaps the simplest thing would be to have the
> feature applied to any target declared to depend on the given .NAME,
> supplemented with command-line options to turn it on/off everywhere,
> regardless of such dependencies.

Well ... that's no longer the feature I signed up to contribute, and I
don't have or see a major use case for it. I think the issue most
people have with parallel builds involves debugging
scheduled/automated builds with output to a log file. I can't think of
a situation where the above feature would be important, but if someone
wants to add it as a further enhancement I'm all for it, assuming my
enhancement makes it into the codebase in the first place.


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