On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 1:56 PM, Daniel Wagenaar <d...@caltech.edu> wrote:
> I appreciate your correction, but I still feel that the documentation on the
> website would be more helpful if it at least mentioned that older versions
> of make fail quietly when there is a "=" at the end of the line. The reason
> is that make v. 3.81 is still in very wide use. For instance, it is part of
> Ubuntu 12.04-LTS as well as Mint 14.

That sounds like a bug in Ubuntu.  Or maybe it's just a consequence of
the choice of selecting a Long Term Support release.

Meanwhile, other people complain that the docs are too long; adding
"this feature was added in 3.8x" throughout the guide just makes it
longer and harder to read.  It's not a costless addition.

The documentation for the program on your box is on your box. WTP?


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