On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Frank Heckenbach

> FILE is an opaque structure which should never be allocated by user
> code, so its layout can be implementation specific.

Of course it's an opaque structure. The problem is that the implementation
can't change its size without breaking binary compatibility with every
previously-compiled program that uses stdio. This is a well-known problem,
easily googled for. Here are a couple of references for Solaris:


> In particular, on Linux the field is an int ...

"Linux" is a pretty elastic term, covering both 32- and 64-bit variants
plus many kernels and distros. All 64-bit builds of any system will expand
the original unsigned char; the opportunity to break binary compatibility
allows for a lot of fixes. For all I know Linux even offers a clever fix in
32-bit versions, but there remain plenty of other 32-bit platforms with the

Bottom line, in 32-bit code you have to program for the likelihood that no
more than 256 streams may be open at once.

-David Boyce
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