On Mon, 2014-02-24 at 18:51 +0000, Tim Murphy wrote:
> On 24 February 2014 18:33, Paul Smith <psm...@gnu.org> wrote:
> > I would definitely want this to be totally invisible to the user and not
> > require any magic in makefiles (so no special include operator, etc.)
> > Basically it should either be so safe that there's no way to tell the
> > difference between using the compiled version or not (other than
> > performance), or it should not be generated at all.
> Just a word of caution - there is a way in which this kind of thing
> can be a mistake, if you take a fairly simple request and expand it
> into a general solution for all things, then hit snags and abandon the
> whole effort when the initial subcase would have worked.

That's as may be, but I'm not prepared to add new user-visible syntax
like "includedepcache" to the GNU make language, which then needs to be
maintained forever, just because we're not sure if anything better will
come along or not.

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