On 3/13/2014 4:19 AM, h.becker wrote:
On 03/13/2014 05:29 AM, John E. Malmberg wrote:
Further tests show that the parallelism is not fully working on VMS, or
not working as a Unix program would expect.

As far as I know, --jobs is not implemented for VMS, unfortunately I
can't point to an obvious line in the sources. It seems to be hidden in
#if[n]def VMS in job.c and vmsjobs.c. Silently explicitly or implicitly
reseting jobs to 1 isn't good.

To look at this, can you post or send (one of) the modified makefiles
for VMS?

Sorry for long lines, only a seconds before I have to run.

recurse line is wrapped in the e-mail client.
1.inc and 2.inc lines are wrapped in the e-mail client.

This is one of the files that fails for recursion. I will have to send one that shows the parallelism failures later.

EAGLE> del 1.inc;,2.inc;
EAGLE> make -f /lcl_root/make/tests/work/features/parallelism.mk_2 "-j4"
make: execve: make: no such file or directory
/lcl_root/make/tests/work/features/parallelism.mk_2:2: recipe for target 'recurse' failed
make: *** [recurse] Error 0xbf2bffbc

Or if you prefer:

EAGLE> del 1.inc;,2.inc;
EAGLE> make -f [.work.features]parallelism.mk_2 "-j4"
make: execve: make: no such file or directory
[.work.features]parallelism.mk_2:2: recipe for target 'recurse' failed
make: *** [recurse] Error 0xbf2bffbc

Directory LCL_ROOT:[make.tests.work.features]

parallelism.log_2;1 parallelism.mk_2;1

Total of 2 files.
EAGLE> type LCL_ROOT:[make.tests.work.features]parallelism.mk_2

recurse : ; @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f /lcl_root/make/tests/work/features/
parallelism.mk_2 "INC=yes" all
all : 1 2 ; @echo success

INC = no
ifeq ($(INC),yes)
-include 1.inc 2.inc
1.inc : ; @pipe echo ONE.inc ; sleep 2 ; echo TWO.inc ; define/user sys$$output $@ ; echo "1 : ; @pipe echo ONE ; sleep 2 ; echo TWO" ; close sys$$output 2.inc : ; @pipe sleep 1 ; echo THREE.inc ; define/user sys$$output $@ ; echo "2: ; @pipe sleep 1 ; echo THREE" ; close sys$$output


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