On 3/13/2014 12:08 AM, John E. Malmberg wrote:
On 3/10/2014 11:00 PM, John E. Malmberg wrote:

I changed from the wrapper code to code that sets the makefile name, and temporarily set a local symbol as a foreign command. At exit the symbol is either deleted or replaced with the original value, which leaves argv[0] alone.

I also found that the vms_exit() code had a bug in it, because it was written with the expectation of getting a UNIX exit status, and GNU make is passing it VMS exit statuses.

As only codes 0, 1, 2 are defined for GNU make status, and the lowest failure status from VMS is 8, for GNU make, the conversion to VMS status should only be done for codes 1-7, the rest should be passed through.

I had to fix a VMS specific timeout value on the parallelism test.

With that those two changes, currently the status is 34 failures in 22
categoriesout of 511 test log files found. I do not know why the
category count changed from just skipping one test in a file.

It also appears the some tests result counts are affected by the -keep
qualifier since it leaves files around that other tests expect not to be
there.  So there may be a few more or less failures.

With out -keep, 33 Tests in 21 Categories Failed, as an example, but
then I do not get a count of all the log files.

The 5 archive tests now pass, which means that Ticket 41761 can probably be closed

All the override tests also now pass even though multi-line defines not correctly
implemented on VMS.  Ticket 41813.

Of the 9 parallelism tests, 6 work, 2 fail, and one is not current valid
to run on VMS.
    1. Make recursion appears not to be working,
       at least with parallelism enabled.
    2. Parallelism is not working the same on VMS as UNIX.
       Needs more investigation.

The feature patternrules still has one failure that needs to be
investigated along with the other failures I have not yet gotten to.


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