On 4/4/2014 7:05 PM, h.becker wrote:
On 04/04/2014 06:56 AM, John E. Malmberg wrote:

Late evening transcription error, I meant "automatic".

After modifying that for VMS (especiall using write sys$output) I do not
see any problem with any of the '<'s. (I see problems with $(^D), $(+D)
and $(?D) - and other incorrect values may be caused by the same
underlying problem - but I want to double check the results on a newer

I missed that VMS was not handling the quoting the same, and also switched it to only use VMS file syntax and write sys$output.

Resubmitted the patch with that change for the first test in automatic.

Now it still fails, but the failure is that $(^D), $(^F), $(+D), $(+F) have the wrong values.

The $(?D) is showing the correct output in the test.

These macros should handle filenames in both VMS and Unix syntax, so once fixed will need tests for both cases.

What's your echo command? Are you using that without VMS style quoting
of the text? Without such quotes the VMS specific input redirection will
kick in and may cause problems.

As above, I missed that DCL would not be handling the quoting the same.
I tried it with echo :== "write sys$output """ and echo :== $gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$echo.exe and was getting the same results.


Attachment: 0001-vms-test-variables2.patch.gz
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