On Wed, 2016-11-09 at 19:29 +0200, Jaak Ristioja wrote:
> GNU Make seems to randomly crash on an Raspberry Pi 2 with
>    INTERNAL: Exiting with 2 jobserver tokens available; should be 5!
> or similar when emerging Gentoo Linux packages using multiple jobs
> (e.g. -j5). The kernel log then has lines like
>   Segmentation fault occurred at    (nil) in
> /usr/bin/gmake[make:23312]
> uid/euid:250/250 gid/egid:250/250, parent /bin/bash[sh:23311]
> uid/euid:250/250 gid/egid:250/250

Internal errors don't dump core in GNU make.

I think what is happening is that GNU make is crashing, and that's
causing it to lose jobserver tokens (if an instance of GNU make owns an
extra token and crashes, then no one is available to release that token
again and you'll get an error about mismatched numbers of tokens at the
end of the build).

In other words, cause and effect here are backwards.  You'll need to
figure out why GNU make is throwing a segfault (is there a core file
you can examine for example): fixing that will likely solve the token
count issue.

> Is this some known GNU Make bug on ARM?

I'm not aware of any such bug on ARM.

It would be helpful if you mentioned which version of GNU make you're

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