On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 5:48 AM, Raz Manor <raz.ma...@valens.com> wrote:
> I created a makefile using instructions for this post:
> http://make.mad-scientist.net/papers/advanced-auto-dependency-generation/
> To test it, I make all my files, then deleted one .d file and touched one of
> the header files present in that .d file.
> The target, however, was not rebuilt.
> Running with -d, I found that the empty rule to make %.d files, ran the
> first time the %.d file was needed, in the -include directive.
> Than the target was marked as built by make, so the second time it was
> needed, when building the .o file, the empty recipe was not re-run.
> However, since the .d file still didn’t exist, the .o file was not rebuilt.
> The author of the article was assuming that if a target is marked as built,
> all the target it's their prerequisite will also be rebuilt, regardless of
> the actual state of the target.
> Was he mistaken?
> If so, is this a bug, or the intended behavior?
> I this is the intended behavior, how can I achieve the same affect?

I started to try to guess at the problem, but that's a waste of time
when you could just copy your test Makefile in to email to the list.

Philip Guenther

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