Eli Zaretskii (23 January 2019 20:21)
> In Emacs, we have a header file that is generated from an certain data
> file, but its generation requires an Emacs binary, which runs a Lisp
> command to massage the data file into a C header.  And the binary
> depends on that header because one of the source files #include's the
> header.  The header is also kept in the VCS, so some, perhaps outdated
> version of it is always available.  But I cannot find a way of having
> a target that remakes the header when the data file changes, because
> this creates a circular dependency which Make throws away.

A suggestion for a kludge-around for this: part of your make-file says
how to regenerate the header from the data file, using an emacs binary.
Condition that part of your make-file on existence of the emacs binary.

ifneq ($(wildcard $(BINARY)),)
generated.h: source.txt # but don't overtly depend on $(BINARY) !
        $(BINARY) ... command ...

(Overt dependence on $(BINARY) would make your graph cyclic.)
Not pretty, but hopefully it can be made to work,


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