Hello list.

Now I have the need to use an already quite large
Makefile written for Microsoft's 'NMake', from within
GNU-make 4.390. Like:

  cd libf2c ; nmake.exe -nologo -f Makefile.VC all
  cp libf2c/vcfc2.lib $@

but Nmake errors with:
  Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.26.28806.0
  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

  NMAKE : fatal error U1065: invalid option '-'

Adding a '--debug' gives no clues either.

Rewriting to:

SHELL = cmd.exe:
  cd libf2c & nmake.exe -nologo -f Makefile.VC all
  cp libf2c/vcfc2.lib $@

gives the same error. I use Cygwin as my shell normally, but
it doesn't look like a SHELL issue to me. From the cmd-line,
Nmake has no problem; hence I suspect some issue with GNU-make.

And using ProcessMonitor, I see no problem with the cmd-line
in CreateProcessA() either. What could I do?


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