Follow-up Comment #1, bug #60799 (project make):

[comment #0 original submission:]
> Parser chokes on second expansion of a prerequisite with ; o #
> $ cat makefile 
> MAKEFLAGS+=--warn-undefined-variables
> hello: $$(shell echo world;)
>         touch $@
> bye: $$(hello#world)
>         touch $@
> $ make hello
> makefile:7: *** unterminated variable reference.  Stop.
> $ make bye
> makefile:7: *** unterminated variable reference.  Stop.
> $ 
> Parser treats ; as a recipe delimiter and # as a comment delimiter.

(file #51584, file #51585)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: sv_60799_se_semi_fix.diff      Size:4 KB

File name: sv_60799_se_semi_test.diff     Size:3 KB


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