Unlike variable assignments, rules--including overrides of built-in pattern
rules--are not inherited by recursively invoked instances of make.  They
have to be in a makefile read by the instance of make that needs them.

(GNU makes built-in rules and variables have TARGET_ARCH for basically all
types of compilation.  IMHO, if you have options that don't apply to, for
example, .S files, then why not put them in CFLAGS *directly* and not in
TARGET_ARCH?  Or just use your own variable name (e.g., "targ_arch")
instead of trying to give your own use/meaning to a variable which is
already in use.  Fighting the builtin rules is a bad use of your time.)

Philip Guenther

On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 12:58 PM Jeffrey.Fellin--- via Bug reports and
discussion for GNU make <bug-make@gnu.org> wrote:

> I have a project that compiles .S and .c files, and the value of CFLAGS in
> the sub makefile is not the same for the compile lines
> The version of make is
> GNU Make 3.82
> Built for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
> Copyright (C) 2010  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> I’m attaching a tarball containing the following files, for ease in
> reproducing the problem
> cflags_bug/make_top
> cflags_bug/base/sub_make
> cflags_bug/base/src/bug.S
> cflags_bug/base/src/hello.c
> The compile of bug.S succeeds, but doesn’t have the correct value of
> CFLAGS, as in the annotated output below. The compile of hello.c has the
> correct value of CFLAGS, but the compile fails due to the unsupported
> options to the cc. The extra options are for use by the project specific
> compiler.
> The top make undefines the default rules for %.o:%.c and %.o:%.S, has my
> understanding from these documents:
> Managing Projects with BNU Make, Third Edition,
> GNU Make pdf, Section 10.5.5 Match-Anything Pattern Rules
> The annotated execution of make -f make_top, supplied in the cflags_bug.tar
> $ make -ikf make_top;exit
> (cd base && make -f sub_make all)
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jfellin/cflags_bug/base'
> # This displays the value of CFLAGS that should be use in the
> # compilation of the .S and .c files
> # the compile errors are not important, but the different
> # value of CFLAGS, which are expected to be the same.
> # Also note the top make file removes the default rule for %.o:%.[Sc], but
> # the default rules are still being used.
> # Expected value in compile *.S and *.c
> check CFLAGS=-DTOP_MAKE -Wall -I base/inc -mlittle-endian
> --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-a53+nocrypto+nofp+nosimd
> -mno-unaligned-access -mfpu=None    -O  -MD -I
> /home/jfellin/cflags_bug/base/../base/inc  -D BASE_MAKE
> # Note this value of CFLAGS is not the one printed above
> cc    -c -o /home/jfellin/cflags_bug/base/../base/src/bug.o
> /home/jfellin/cflags_bug/base/../base/src/bug.S
> # Note this value of CFLAGS is the one printed by the check_cflag rule
> # in the file, sub_make,
> cc -DTOP_MAKE -Wall -I base/inc -mlittle-endian
> --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-a53+nocrypto+nofp+nosimd
> -mno-unaligned-access -mfpu=None    -O  -MD -I
> /home/jfellin/cflags_bug/base/../base/inc  -D BASE_MAKE  -mlittle-endian
> --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-a53+nocrypto+nofp+nosimd
> -mno-unaligned-access -mfpu=None -c -o
> /home/jfellin/cflags_bug/base/../base/src/hello.o
> /home/jfellin/cflags_bug/base/../base/src/hello.c
> cc: warning: \u2018-mcpu=\u2019 is deprecated; use \u2018-mtune=\u2019 or
> \u2018-march=\u2019 instead
> cc: warning: \u2018-mcpu=\u2019 is deprecated; use \u2018-mtune=\u2019 or
> \u2018-march=\u2019 instead
> cc: error: unrecognized command line option \u2018-mlittle-endian\u2019
> cc: error: unrecognized command line option
> \u2018-mno-unaligned-access\u2019
> cc: error: unrecognized command line option \u2018-mfpu=None\u2019
> cc: error: unrecognized command line option \u2018-mlittle-endian\u2019
> cc: error: unrecognized command line option
> \u2018-mno-unaligned-access\u2019
> cc: error: unrecognized command line option \u2018-mfpu=None\u2019
> make[1]: [/home/jfellin/cflags_bug/base/../base/src/hello.o] Error 1
> (ignored)
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jfellin/cflags_bug/base'
> Jeff

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