On Sat, 2022-05-21 at 12:17 -0700, Valery Tolkov wrote:
> Exact target file doesn't matter, all files give the same error. If I
> do a clean build without any existing targets, it works. But second
> time it fails again.
> > ...
> > Must remake target `bin/dbg/clr/clr.o'.
> > clang++ --config ./warnings.cfg -g -O0 -DDEBUG -std=c++2a -
> > fmodules  -I . -I vt -D HAVE_STDDEF_H -D HAVE_STDINT_H -D
> > HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H -D OSX -D UNIT_TESTS -c clr/clr.cc -o
> > bin/dbg/clr/clr.o
> > Putting child 0x600001b94230 (bin/dbg/clr/clr.o) PID 35065 on the
> > chain.
> > Live child 0x600001b94230 (bin/dbg/clr/clr.o) PID 35065 
> > Reaping losing child 0x600001b94230 PID 35065 
> > make: *** [bin/dbg/clr/clr.o] Floating point exception: 8
> > Removing child 0x600001b94230 PID 35065 from chain.

It is not make that's failing, it's your compiler (clang++).  Make is
just reporting to you that the command it invoked (the compiler) exited
because it (the compiler) got a floating point exception error.

You'll have to figure out what's wrong with your compiler, or why your
code is causing your compiler to exit this way.

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