Follow-up Comment #1, bug #39146 (project make):

I want to reinforce the need for a feature like this and suggest a slightly
different output.  Currently (GNU make 4.3), when run with -j[N], if there is
an error, the output looks like this:

$ make -j
make: *** [Makefile:<lineno>: <target name>] Error <n>
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
<output from other jobs>

First, as Krzysztof noted, there is no explicit indication at the end that
anything failed.  But my shell is configured to print any non-zero exit code
so that's not a problem for me.

Second, the <output from other jobs> can be arbitrarily long.  I've had cases
where it is so long that the error message indicating which target failed
scrolled not just off the screen, but entirely beyond the terminal scroll
buffer!  And even when it is still in the buffer, scrolling backward to hunt
for that line is tedious.

Therefore, modifying the original suggestion, what I would like to see as
output in this case is:

$ make -j
make: *** [Makefile:<lineno>: <target name>] Error <n>
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
<output from other jobs>
make: *** Failing targets: <target1> <target2> ... <targetN>

That is, collect all failing targets (in case some fail while waiting for
them, or -k is used) and print them out at the end if the "Waiting for
unfinished jobs" message was printed.  Then it's obvious that something
failed, and it's easy to copy+paste the failing target name onto a new 'make'
command line to repeat just that target.


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