> From: Costas Argyris <costas.argy...@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2023 13:19:00 +0000
> Cc: psm...@gnu.org, bug-make@gnu.org
> > Also, I'd name the files slightly differently, something like
> > w32-utf8.*, to make their relation to Windows more evident.
> Note that in the patch, these files are put under the w32 dir:
> src/w32/utf8.manifest
> src/w32/utf8.rc
> so their relation to Windows is already showing from that.

I'll leave that to Paul.

> 1) In build_w32.bat, there are 3 compilers supported:
> MSVC, gcc and tcc (Tiny C Compiler).    I can see the changes
> working for MSVC and gcc, but what about tcc?
> AFAICT, it has no resource compiler to compile the .rc file
> to an object file.    It can link against the object file though,
> assuming that it was produced by windres in the first place:
> https://github.com/TinyCC/tinycc/blob/mob/win32/tcc-win32.txt#L92
> But if one has tcc on its own and no windres, it doesn't
> seem possible to do it, so we need to decide if we are
> still going to build but without UTF-8 support, or error
> out, or try to find windres for compiling the .rc file and
> still use tcc for the rest (kind of a mixed approach).

Either the TCC build will not support this feature, or installing the
manifest (at least in some cases) is not such a bad idea after all.

> 2) From README.W32, there is another way to build
> Basic.mk
> which sources mk/Windows32.mk when building for Windows.
> mk/Windows32.mk has a TOOLCHAIN variable that can be
> either "msvc" or "gcc" (no tcc option here).
> Should mk/Windows32.mk also be updated for UTF-8 for
> both toolchains?

I don't know what is the status of these *.mk files and whether we
want to keep supporting them.  I have never used them.  Paul?

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