Follow-up Comment #10, bug #64806 (project make):
    gmake.exe 14/03/2019 - EPICS base 7.0.7 builds fine with this.
    EPICS base constains a file 'print.cpp', which should of course compile to
    But the make utility puts this in upper case so the outfput file is
    This cause subsequent linker fail, as the file 'print.obj' does not
    This is the most usual and reproducible fault, but there are others.

This fault ocurrs with:

    mingw32-make.exe 04/06/2023 Fails cannot open input file print.obj
    make.exe 04/06/2023 Fails cannot open input file print.obj
    gmake.exe 04/06/2023 Fails cannont open input file print.obj

I built the GNU make 4.4.1 code from sources using Visual Studio 2022.
This results in 'gnumake.exe'.
EPICS base builds fine with this.


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