Follow-up Comment #1, bug #59239 (project mdk):

Sorry, I copied the last line twice without fixing it!

It should be:

      pseudoinstruction (e.g.  'ORIG', 'EQU'),

("'ORIG'" instead of "'ORG'")


[comment #0 original submission:]
> In section 2.2.1 there's the following text:
> ---
>      is a literal denoting the operation code of the instruction (e.g.
>      'LDA', 'STA'; see MIX instruction set) or an assembly
>      pseudoinstruction (e.g.  'ORG', 'EQU'),
> ---
> The last line is
>      pseudoinstruction (e.g.  'ORG', 'EQU'),
> but should be


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