mkpart p1 ext2 700mib 800mib

Expected: 100Mib partition created.
Result: 100Mib + 1 sector partition created. Next partition will be on
nonoptimal odd sector number start and parted will warn.

That is because parted takes literally 800mib as an address. This
doesn't help anything as mib unit is meant to be used for human and
for human it is natural to specify 100mib size that way.

How this should be fixed (two parts):
1. end address in human-usable units should be translated to sector value - 1.
2. additionally it should be possible to specify size like that:

    mkpart p1 ext2 700mib +100mib

So the plus sign should tell that we specify size instead of end. This
should not cancel p.1 fix.


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