Hello guys,

     i hope this is the right place to report the bug in GNU tar i found
today. If not, please appologize this spam.

I'm testing incremental backups with tar-1.26-r1 and found that when I
restoring incremental update in conjunction with -C option tar do not
delete files which was restored by full backup but deleted in meantime.

Problem reproduction steps ( for clarification):

Creating test file/dir structure for backup:

mkdir backup
mkdir backup/dir1
mkdir backup/dir2

creating full backup:

tar -cvjpf backup0.tar.bz2 -g backup.tar.snar backup/

removing dir2 in meantime:

rmdir backup/dir2

Creating incremental backup:

tar -cvjpf backup1.tar.bz2 -g backup.tar.snar backup/

Restoring both backups:

mkdir restore
tar -xvjpf backup0.tar.bz2 -C restore/
tar -xvjpf backup1.tar.bz2 -g backup.tar.snar -C restore/

Check files in restore/ dir:

ls restore/


dir1  dir2

Finally restoring incremental backup in restore/ dir does not delete dir2
for some reason.

As a workaround I am able to avoid using -C parameter and cd into
particular restore dir instead.

Contact me anytime for additional info - if needed.

Best Regards
Maros Zubko

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