On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 12:55:34 +0100, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
> Hi,
> newer tar (1.27.1)has a serious regression compared to 1.27.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 10:33:56 +0100, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
> Yes they should be indeed treated literally. I use shell completion
> and it is pretty natural to get the name as is.

Can you give us more information about how tar is actually being called
by lintian?  (I found Debian bug #740199, but it doesn't give any
details about the actual tar command being used by the test or in what
manner it's failing.)

Are you sure there was a change in behavior of the test between tar
1.27 and 1.27.1?  As mentioned earlier in this thread, the unquoting
behavior of file names mentioned in a -T file did change between those
two versions, but the behavior for filenames specified on the command
line shouldn't have changed...  (And even for -T, the behavior in
1.27.1 should match the behavior of earlier versions other than 1.27

> Could you give us a solution in either way ?

As also mentioned earlier in the thread, adding the --no-unquote option
to the "tar -cf test.tar *" invocation should produce the behavior you
were expecting in the example commands you gave in your original email
-- but if that's necessary for the lintian test to succeed when using
tar 1.27.1, I am not sure why the test wasn't failing in the same way
with pre-1.27 versions....


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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