On Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 04:54:36PM +0000, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> >> However, using a Texinfo configuration as suggested in another
> >> e-mail would be a much friendlier solution for than that, which
> >> could even be issued using `texi2pdf`'s `--command` option or using
> >> a `texinfo.cnf` file.
> > 
> > Maybe, but it won't allow to use code + metaness in some places and
> > metaness in others.
> I don't understand what you want to point out, please elaborate.  My
> main concern is backward compatibility, i.e., not to break documents
> that have been trimmed to optimal appearance.
> In other words, if such a compabitility option is activated, `@var`
> would behave as before, and if the switch is off, it would follow new
> rules.  Ideally, the new LaTeX backend should support this
> compatibility mode, too, but I wouldn't mind if you skip that.
> If people want to update Texinfo files, it shouldn't be too hard to
> use the new semantics if desired.

It would be easy to add a switch to texinfo.tex that would switch
on/off the old behaviour.  It would be used like "@set txicodevarttsl"
(probably with a better name).

It wouldn't do anything for any other output formats, so there shouldn't
need to be any changes to texi2any, or any new commands to be added.  My
preference for this switch to be limited to texinfo.tex, as we shouldn't
force absolute consistency across all output formats.  It wouldn't do
anything special with @def* commands, either.

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