On Tue, Jan 07, 2025 at 10:30:22PM +0100, Patrice Dumas wrote:
> This is only one of the possibility, another possibility could be to
> have --no-embed-interpreter ignored if an init file has already been
> loaded and the embedded interpreter is started and to have init files
> loading override the --no-embed-interpreter more generally, as it is
> inconsistent to want both no interpreter and to load init files.
> Yet another possibility would be to use an environment variable to
> disable the interpreter embedding such that it can be applied very
> early.

This appears to me to be an implementation detail which you want to
control with a command-line option.  This is like the use or non-use
of XS modules, which we control with environment variables (TEXINFO_XS,
TEXINFO_XS_PARSER and others).  Hence, it would make sense to me to
also use an environment variable to control the interpreter embedding.

As you explain, doing it with a command-line option would make the
code handling command-line options more complicated and confusing.

I don't see the need of an --no-embed-interpreter option, and if this
was an option it could be a source of incompatibility with it working
differently across Texinfo releases.

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