On Thu, Dec 02, 2010 at 10:21:29PM +0100, Giuseppe Scrivano wrote:
> I am not sure yet about the next release, I can't apply a patch because
> the author hasn't assigned copyright to the FSF yet.  I don't think
> there will be a release before 2-3 weeks.
This concrete server certificate provides DNS subject alternative names (SAN)
which are implemented in wget by a patch already commited into trunk. The SAN
patch has been written by me and the copyright asssignement to FSF has been
handled more than a year ago. (Otherwise Mica did not commit the code).

(BTW referencing the commit by ordinal number in bazaar VCS is nonsense as the
ordinal numbers are not global stable. The correct identifier is revision-id

I communicated the copyright assignement with Mica by direct e-mails. Please
ask him or FSF.)

-- Petr

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