
Currently, we (basically the maintainers, but also a few other people) are 
working on the 'next generation wget' (wget2). That means, we try to reduce 
work on wget1.x to bug fixes.

Since we didn't have a release yet, I don't want to bother the wget mailing 

The main git repo is on Savannah (git clone git://git.savannah.gnu.org/wget/
wget2.git), but we are collaborating through Github right now (may change to 
Gitlab some day). See https://github.com/rockdaboot/wget2.

There is all kinds of work to do for the release... coding, testing, 
documentation, code coverage, finding bugs (maybe start a fuzzing project !?).

Just drop in if you like (and with what you like). Maybe you start a code 
review, or just start with testing, or reading some wiki pages (https://

Ask questions, open issues, create pull requests as you like.

We need and appreciate your help, your views, suggestions, ...

What we offer is a friendly co-working without any pressure, we will review 
and test your changes, you'll learn a lot about developer tools (compilers, 
valgrind, gcov/lcov, git, Github, gnulib, style, static analysis, cross-
compilation, IDE (what's your favorite IDE ?)), about specialties of OSses, 
lot's about internet protocols (TCP 4/6, DNS, TLS, HTTP, HTTP/2, OCSP, HSTS, 
Metalink, PSL, ...) and RFC standards.

Hope. you'll join us !

Regards, Tim

On Sunday, October 23, 2016 1:03:44 PM CEST G_Gold wrote:
> Hello list.
> I did  previously write to this list, and later saw the "no
> hotmail/outlook" warning on the GNU website :), and yes I used
> hotmail.com.
> Following this:
> "It is suggested to write to bug-wget@gnu.org before start
> working
> on a task and get comments from the rest of the community."
> I have basic development skills with C, and am familiar with
> If I can get a  basic pointer on which bug to (try and) tackle,
> along with (any
> tips welcome), I hope I can be of some help.
> Thank you.

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