Follow-up Comment #11, bug #27153 (project xboard):

Indeed, we got it now. If someone had told me that the problem was that
recptures could not be entereds premoves, I would have fixed it in a few
minutes. It was just that no one mentioned that. In click-click mode premove
recaptures are not possible, as clicking a new own piece selects it as new
FROM square rather than as a TO square. So I assumed that it was intended
behavior that recaptures could not be premoves, and that everyone knew this. I
never realized that the ambiguity new-mover / recapture does not occur for
drag-drop moves, and that 'capture-own' premoves are actualy supposed to work
there. My mistake.

As the comment in the source shows I misjudged the function of the offending
code (which I moved from winboard.c to backend.c). I thought it was for
filtering out illegal premoves, but in fact it serves to give precedence for
selection of a new piece in click-click mode over entering a capture-own move.

Simply deleting the offending code in backend.c is no option, as this would
break WinBoard. I will rewrite the mouse handlers of both to be compatible
with a renewed backend. The XBoard mouse andler will then also contain the
promotion-popup fix and selecting promotion pieces from the holdings in
-variant super and great (which WinBoard already has).

H.G. Muller


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