XBoard already supports chess variants with arbitrary piece moves. To make 
Pawns move backwards you just would have to specify their move with the aid of 
the -men option (e.g. xboard -men "P:vmWfcF"). Normally the engine for that 
variant would do this automatically, as soon as you select the variant from the 
New Variant menu.
Op do., feb. 25, 2021 om 06:46, clay  schreef:
Summary: alternate gameplay options
Project: XBoard
Submitted by: netpipe
Submitted on: Thu 25 Feb 2021 05:46:01 AM UTC
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Item Group: None
Status: None
Assigned to: None
Open/Closed: Open
Release: None
Discussion Lock: Any



was wondering if we could incorperate more game options into extra games like
pawns can move backwards but not attack backwards also skip a turn without
moving any peices would be neat. even in addition to some atomic chess options
or included with.


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