thanks, made a similar fix (now in CVS).

.. and to the one's who really want to discuss if it's good if glibc is more forgiving than Solaris. I am not sure. But I am sure that that I made a woops.

firebush wrote:


 and thanks for your report.


I would go for glic being nicer when "following" NULL pointers in printf
calls. Solaris' libc crashes when printing a NULL pointer.

The segfault can be worked around by changing the fprintf for the
xd->plugin_name to (in case it's NULL, as you pointed out Henrik):

1593    fprintf (out,  "%s       %s\n",
1594             xnee_xns_key2string(XNEE_PLUGIN_KEY),
1595             xd->plugin_name ? xd->plugin_name : "<NULL>" );

That in the xnee_print_xnee_settings function in the xnee-3.03/libxnee/src

When I make that change, do a 'gmake clean; gmake; gmake install' from
xnee-3.03, I don't get the segfault.

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