On 09/04/2011 09:57 PM, Casper wrote:
I'm trying to package Xnee for Fedora.
Fedora is a distribution of GNU/Linux sponsored by Red Hat.

I kind of know about Fedora :)

You can follow the intregration in fedora repo here :

After the build, we must run "rpmlint" (it's a software to check the RPM built)
and I report you one warning.
rpmlint output :
xnee-libs.x86_64: W: shared-lib-calls-exit /usr/lib64/libxnee.so.0.0.0 
This library package calls exit() or _exit(), probably in a non-fork()
context. Doing so from a library is strongly discouraged - when a library
function calls exit(), it prevents the calling program from handling the
error, reporting it to the user, closing files properly, and cleaning up any
state that the program has. It is preferred for the library to return an
actual error code and let the calling program decide how to handle the

Huau... didn't know libxnee did that. If I knew it would have been removed, probably some left over code from the time when Xnee was one command line program (monolith) only. Wish I had a good excuse for this. I don't. I'll fix it asap.

Please fix it for the next version.

You bet.

Best regards
Matthieu Saulnier

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