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    confirm 43b4cbfb057e82a970ae7a1d479917e94a95339a

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
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Hi,I'm Japanese. and I'm not fluent English.
I like "xnee" very much. It's a very useful app. Thank you for wonderful software .
By the way ,Today I upgraded from Ubuntu 21 to Ubuntu 22.04.1.
and Your app. xnee can't work in new Ubuntu 22.04.1 anymore.

I did "remove and reinstall xnee".
but unfortunately same situation.

What should I do ?

Best regards.

=================follow is my terminal content ================================================================== kazuhitosano@woodstock:~/SeniorDriverTest/macro$ cnee --replay --file click_disp1.xnl
Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control
            You can ignore this message
Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control
            You can ignore this message
NOTIFICATION: If you have problem with Xnee and recording device events: File a bug report including this text. NOTIFICATION: If you have problem with Xnee and recording device events: File a bug report including this text. NOTIFICATION: If you have problem with Xnee and recording device events: File a bug report including this text.
Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control
            You can ignore this message
Couldn't find device for device id: 11
Couldn't find device for device id: 11
Segmentation fault (core dump)

kazuhitosano@woodstock:~/SeniorDriverTest/macro$ cnee -version
xnee 3.19
Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Henrik Sandklef
xnee and all its included programs come with NO WARRANTY,
to the extent permitted by law.
This is free software, and you may redistribute
copies of it under terms of GNU General Public License.

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