--- Comment #25 from Luca Toscano <> ---
>From a discussion in dev@ about polling the client's TCP connection:

It could be achievable, but not easy, with care taken to pull the
client's socket out of the pollset if anything but an error or a
connection/TLS close is detected.
It probably also shouldn't start before "last_stdin" is true.

Client side poll() may return with either:
1. HTTP data (pipelined) => client still alive, non-empty/meta brigade
=> don't abort
2. TCP close or reset => bucket EOS or an APR_E* (though
speculative-non-blocking reads won't return EOS, and may turn EOF into
SUCCESS with empty brigade!) => abort
3. TLS close notify => EOS/EOF? => abort
4. TLS renegotiation => rejected by httpd (since initiated by the
client) => an APR_E* => abort
n. ...

Probably not an exhaustive list...

So even if the patch provided by Jason works and looks good, it might introduce
some weird corner cases for the general consumption that might create
regressions during the next release. This doesn't mean that the patch can't
work for specific use cases, but it might not be the best one for all of them.

Another approach that was proposed by Yann is the following: use non blocking
recv while reading from the FCGI backend, and in case of EAGAIN send a FLUSH
bucket to the client in order to force ap_pass_brigade to detect if the client
aborted the connection.

poll() => POLLIN => read() while data available => EAGAIN => flush => poll()

Remark: The "read() while data available => EAGAIN" may be replaced by "read()
while read buffer is full" so to avoid a (likely) useless last
non-blocking read.

Remark 2:

FLUSH buckets are sent when the content generator (or an upstream filter) knows
that there may be a delay before more content can be sent. By passing FLUSH
buckets down the filter chain immediately, filters ensure that the client is
not kept waiting for pending data longer than necessary.
Filters can create FLUSH buckets and pass these down the filter chain if
desired. Generating FLUSH buckets unnecessarily, or too frequently, can harm
network utilisation since it may force large numbers of small packets to be
sent, rather than a small number of larger packets.

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