--- Comment #11 from Yann Ylavic <> ---
I meant the first request in "ho1.txt", not the one from your "openssl

This first request in "ho1.txt" is sent with both the header and body at the
same time (and by the way has no "Expect: 100-continue"). The full body is
available to mod_proxy during prefetch, all nonblocking, which means that it
can determine/adjust the Content-Length by itself if needed, and forward the
request to the backend immediately.

On the other hand, your "openssl s_client" request sends the HTTP header first,
and waits before sending the body. In this case, before forwarding the request,
mod_proxy will check whether the body could be modified internally, which would
change the Content-Length, and if so (any content filter present in the filter
chain) it will spool the body to disk to be able to forward the potentially
new/correct Content-Length along with the new body. This can be tuned with e.g.
proxy-sendchunks which frees mod_proxy from Content-Length constraint (but
requires a chunk-compatible backend), and thus allows to forward the header

Now comes "Expect: 100-continue". For this request you'd expect mod_proxy to
not wait for the body since the client wants to wait for a "100 continue"
before sending it. But in the spooling case mentioned above, mod_proxy still
needs to have the full content to determine the C-L, and thus it must read the
body by and for itself. What my patch fixes is that in this case mod_proxy now
honors the "Expect: 100-continue" and sends the "100 Continue" response before
starting to read/spool (otherwise the client and mod_proxy wait for each
other). This is a case where 100-continue cannot be forwarded to (initiated by)
the backend, the job must be done on the proxy side (for the client side at
least, nothing prevents mod_proxy to have its own 100-continue negotiation with
the backend).

Hope this helps..

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