--- Comment #3 from Frank Meier <> ---
Hi Eric,
unfortunately the revised patch still leads to a regression in our test suite.

With RewriteRule: 
`RewriteRule ^/mod_rewrite_before(.*)$ /mod_rewrite_after$1? [QSA,QSL]` 

and a request with encoded ? (%3f) in the path:
`curl 'http://localhost/mod_rewrite_before/%3fxxx?param=123'`

leads now to splitting of the request path into the query. With 2.4.55: the the
query was 'param=123' but with 2.4.57 (even with your patch) is:

In this case we use the '?' at the end of the substitution in combination with
the [QSL] flag to secure the request from being split.

with mod_rewrite:trace8 i see the following difference in the logs:
2.4.55: `mod_rewrite.c(486): ... split uri=/mod_rewrite_after/?xxx? ->
uri=/mod_rewrite_after/?xxx, args=param=123`
2.4.57: `mod_rewrite.c(493): ... split uri=/mod_rewrite_after/?xxx -> 
uri=/mod_rewrite_after/, args=xxx&param=123`

Disclaimer: We have written our own proxy module, so I am not entirely sure if
the issue does only exist for us. But I think it is a general problem.

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