On 2010/11/06 18:49, Bahador NazariFard wrote:
> Thank you for your very soon reply
> Excuse me you are right.
> I had installed gnuls-4.1p2 (colorized GNU 'ls') and I had defined
> alias ls='gls --color=tty'.
> unfortunately it seems gls -n does not work properly and it was the
> reason of that problem.

The system scripts assume a clean shell environment, we can't really
protect against an unclean shell - somebody may have made an alias for
ifconfig, chmod, chown, or even /bin/ls (yes this is possible!).

I think you're probably using '. /etc/netstart ...' which runs the
script in the current shell; instead use 'sh /etc/netstart ...' which
will solve this (and other possible problems).

> However I do not agree with you that ls -nl is pointless and ambiguous.
> If we read ls manual, we can find these lines about -n option.
>  -n      List in long format as in -l, but retain user and group IDs in
> a
>              numeric format.  The output of -gn and -ng is identical: a
> long
>              listing with numerical group ID, and no numerical user
> ID.  The
>              output of -ln and -nl is identical: a long listing with
> numerical
>              group and user ID.
> therefore there is no problem and we can use ls -nl .

Ah, then I agree that it's not ambiguous, though I still think it's
pointless to use -nl when -n does the same.

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