On 2013/06/04 15:20, stolendata.net wrote:
> The man page of ral(4) makes it understood that power saving in host ap
> mode is now finally working, but only for certain ralink chipset families
> (RT2800 being among those that should work). A list of exceptions is
> provided in the man page: "On the RT2500, RT2501 and RT2600 chipsets, host
> AP mode doesn't support power saving."
> However, trying to enable power saving on 5.3-RELEASE/i386, whether by
> issuing the option to ifconfig or providing it in hostname.if, only yields
> the error "SIOCS80211POWER: Invalid argument".
> Excerpt from my dmesg:
> ral0 at pci1 dev 7 function 0 "Ralink RT2860" rev 0x00: apic 2 int 5,
> address 00:1f:1f:81:6b:92
> ral0: MAC/BBP RT2860 (rev 0x0102), RF RT2820 (MIMO 2T3R)

The 'powersave' flag is only for client devices.

'Power saving support for host ap' means that the AP is able to
buffer packets for *clients* in power-save mode. There is nothing to
configure for this.

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