On Sat, Mar 07, 2015 at 04:29:40PM -0330, Michael wrote:
> > I can't find anything inherently bad in there.
> >
> > The interrupts you're getting are receive interrupts. So it seems receive
> > is working, but transmit is broken (watchdog timeout triggers if attempts
> > to transmit time out). I don't know why this is happenning.
> >
> > Does anything change if you move really close to the AP?
> So I tried with my phone setup as a hotspot AP, I set it right next to
> the laptop and configured it so that it would use the phone. The phone
> does recognise that there is a device that connects to it
> successfully.
> Apologies for the length of this output, I have noted where I started
> typing the command with _start_ and the end of the typing with _end_,
> there is also another _end_ noting where I ctrl-c'd the ping, so
> hopefully that makes it a little easier to see.

So this shows that associating and DHCP works. And then no ping.
I suspect this is simply the calibration problem mentioned in the bwi(4)
man page:

     Some chips are incorrectly calibrated due to the lack of documentation,
     which can slow the amount of traffic to the point of being unusable.

Which is a long-standing bug.

I could never reproduce the situation where it doesn't work at all.
But the bwi device in my macppc is far from stable. Ping times vary
considerably and there occasional are stalls.
Sometimes it "just works" though.

On my list of many things to fix in wifi, this one is pretty low,

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