On 2017/01/02 16:37, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 02, 2017 at 03:59:51PM +0100, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > running -current on amd64 and i386 with the default /etc/ntpd.conf,
> > ntpd doesn't send any NTP request and doesn't sync the clock...
> > 
> > mirrorball% ntpctl -sa
> > 0/4 peers valid, clock unsynced
> > 
> > peer
> >    wt tl st  next  poll          offset       delay      jitter
> > from pool pool.ntp.org
> >     1  2  -    0s    0s             ---- peer not valid ----
> > from pool pool.ntp.org
> >     1  2  -    0s    0s             ---- peer not valid ----
> > from pool pool.ntp.org
> >     1  2  -    0s    0s             ---- peer not valid ----
> > from pool pool.ntp.org
> >     1  2  -    0s    0s             ---- peer not valid ----
> > 
> > tcpdump -n -i em0 port 123 doesn't show any trafic on ntp port....
> >
> Looking a bit more, this is caused by a cert validation failure during
> constraints checks.

> The www.google.com certificate fails verification because the 'Equifax
> Secure Certificate Authority' root CA certificate that is on top of
> the www.google.com certificate chain is missing from newer
> /etc/ssl/cert.pem.

It fails verification because alt chains aren't working correctly.
It's this problem which I mentioned on another list:

----- Forwarded message from Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> -----

From: Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org>
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2017 13:26:07 +0000
Subject: alt chains / verify callback [Re: CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: src]

On 2016/12/26 09:20, Joel Sing wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> Module name:  src
> Changes by:   js...@cvs.openbsd.org   2016/12/26 09:20:58
> Modified files:
>       lib/libtls     : tls.c tls_client.c 
> Log message:
> Hook up a certificate verify callback so that we can set user friendly
> error messages, instead of libssl error strings. This gives us messages
> like:
> certificate verification failed: certificate has expired
> Instead of:
> 14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
> This also lets us always enable peer verification since the no verification
> case is now handled via the callback.
> Tested by tedu@
> ok beck@

naddy ran into a problem fetching ports distfiles from a google server
with ftp(1) with the new cert.pem, whereas it was working OK for me
when I tested the cert.pem update with ftp(1) on a slightly older
snapshot (23 Dec).

I've bisected and found that this was the commit that stopped it from
working. However testing further I find that curl(1) (which doesn't
use libtls) also fails in a similar way.

google's chain looks like this;

Certificate chain
 0 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google Inc/CN=www.google.com
   i:/C=US/O=Google Inc/CN=Google Internet Authority G2
 1 s:/C=US/O=Google Inc/CN=Google Internet Authority G2
   i:/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA
 2 s:/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA
   i:/C=US/O=Equifax/OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority

With the new cert.pem the old 1024-bit "Equifax Secure Certificate Authority"
cert is no longer included, so alt chains need to work to be able to connect to
it (GeoTrust Global CA is in cert.pem).

On -current:

$ nc -vvc google.com 443
Connection to google.com 443 port [tcp/https] succeeded!
nc: tls handshake failed (certificate verification failed: certificate not 

On a machine with new cert.pem but older libtls:

$ ssh jodrell nc -vvc google.com 443
Connection to google.com 443 port [tcp/https] succeeded!
TLS handshake negotiated TLSv1.2/ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305 with host 
Peer name: google.com
Subject: /C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google Inc/CN=*.google.com
Issuer: /C=US/O=Google Inc/CN=Google Internet Authority G2
Valid From: Thu Dec 15 14:04:15 2016
Valid Until: Thu Mar  9 13:35:00 2017
Cert Hash: 
OCSP URL: http://clients1.google.com/ocsp

And on either machine with curl:

$ curl https://www.google.com/
curl: (51) SSL certificate verify result: certificate not trusted (27)

curl is not using SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback; in that case the failure
is coming from SSL_get_verify_result -


2796     lerr = data->set.ssl.certverifyresult =
2797       SSL_get_verify_result(connssl->handle);
2799     if(data->set.ssl.certverifyresult != X509_V_OK) {
2800       if(data->set.ssl.verifypeer) {
2801         /* We probably never reach this, because SSL_connect() will fail
2802            and we return earlier if verifypeer is set? */
2803         if(strict)
2804           failf(data, "SSL certificate verify result: %s (%ld)",
2805                 X509_verify_cert_error_string(lerr), lerr);
2807       }

Does anyone have ideas to fix it? If not, which of the temporary workarounds
would be preferable?

- re-add the removed CAs to cert.pem

- revert the callback in libtls, which would fix things with ftp/nc
 but not other programs like curl

----- End forwarded message -----

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