>Synopsis:      netlock locking against myself
        System      : OpenBSD 6.1
        Details     : OpenBSD 6.1-current (GENERIC) #4: Mon Jun 12 12:53:00 MDT 

        Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64
        Machine     : amd64
2 identical machines have crashed with excatly the same traceback:
end trace frame: 0x9, count: 6
https://www.openbsd.org/ddb.html describes the minimum info required in bug
reports.  Insufficient info makes it difficult to find and fix bugs.
ddb> trace
,282) at db_enter+0x9
000ffffe904,2) at panic+0x102
_rw_enter(ffffffff81966fd0,1,0,0,ffffffff819c4040,ffffffff8165c570) at _rw_ente
ff8000213709e8) at solock+0x31
soidle(ffffff0056c61350,4,ffffffff8165c570,ffffff0056c61350,651bd208e90047,4) a
t soidle+0x1c
c8,80) at timeout_run+0x47
softclock(0,4,ffff800000062b00,ffff800000062b00,619850,ffff8000ffffe900) at sof
softintr_dispatch(0,ffffffff8109033f,0,ffffffff811c6b9c,0,0) at softintr_dispat
Xsoftclock() at Xsoftclock+0x1f
--- interrupt ---
end of kernel
end trace frame: 0x9, count: -9
ddb> show panic
rw_enter: netlock locking against myself
ddb> ps
   PID     TID   PPID    UID  S       FLAGS  WAIT          COMMAND
 50027  320563  42180      0  3    0x100083  poll          top
 42180  322887  49601      0  3    0x10008b  pause         ksh
 49601  124988  34369      0  3        0x92  select        sshd
 31248  343697      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         sosplice
 28655  380572      1      0  3    0x100083  ttyin         getty
   746  306208      1      0  3    0x100083  ttyin         getty
 39295  523779      1      0  3    0x100083  ttyin         getty
 24607  456139      1      0  3    0x100083  ttyin         getty
 51097   10444      1      0  3    0x100083  ttyin         getty
 48593   40095      1      0  3    0x100083  ttyin         getty
 39278   58822      1      0  3    0x100098  poll          cron
  8282  309357  27342      0  3    0x100080  netio         tcpdump
 27342  258222  41790     76  3    0x100092  bpf           tcpdump
 41790  255739      1      0  3        0x80  piperd        perl
 28155   93636      1    110  3    0x100090  poll          sndiod
 77545  167228      1     99  3    0x100090  poll          sndiod
 66445  423481  67088     95  3    0x100092  kqread        smtpd
 61246  353509  67088    103  3    0x100092  kqread        smtpd
 54974   40503  67088     95  3    0x100092  kqread        smtpd
 13682  139987  67088     95  3    0x100092  kqread        smtpd
 76369  350565  67088     95  3    0x100092  kqread        smtpd
 30457  271542  67088     95  3    0x100092  kqread        smtpd
 67088  298306      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        smtpd
 49862  130078      1      0  3        0x80  kqread        relayd
 37213  330103      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 60561   64405      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 58795  376659      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 97954   39920      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
  4783   45006      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
  6768  453431      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 56200   90192      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 22715   90819      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 19347     709      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 20314  428484      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 65166  201405      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 27633  465939      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
*80896  294676      1     89  7    0x100012                relayd
 25731  494785      1     89  2    0x100092                relayd
 58501   97259      1     89  2    0x100092                relayd
 73321  114896      1     89  2    0x100092                relayd
 90758  238631      1     89  2    0x100092                relayd
 50540  283701      1     89  2    0x100012                relayd
 75145  393597      1     89  2    0x100092                relayd
 69996  211746      1     89  2    0x100092                relayd
 48303  266027      1     89  2    0x100092                relayd
 79761   44851      1     89  2    0x100012                relayd
 52957  488708      1     89  2    0x100092                relayd
 14578  416673      1     89  2    0x100092                relayd
 12264  388889      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 64547  206403      1     89  3    0x100092  kqread        relayd
 74335  245419  64871     75  3    0x100092  poll          bgpd
 81383   34372  64871     75  3    0x100092  poll          bgpd
 64871  481380      1      0  3        0x80  poll          bgpd
 40046   79420      1      0  3        0x80  kqread        snmpd
 50585  313728      1     91  3        0x92  kqread        snmpd
 87769    4476      1     91  3        0x92  kqread        snmpd
 34369  250846      1      0  3        0x80  select        sshd
 91893  234663      1      0  3    0x100080  poll          ntpd
 70599  501501  12067     83  3    0x100092  poll          ntpd
 12067   33909      1     83  3    0x100092  poll          ntpd
 43365   24355  14621     74  3    0x100090  bpf           pflogd
 14621   14797      1      0  3        0x80  netio         pflogd
 62287  522592  70179     73  3    0x100090  kqread        syslogd
 70179  193026      1      0  3    0x100082  netio         syslogd
 63521  461169  11491    115  3    0x100092  kqread        slaacd
 11608  385269  11491    115  3    0x100092  kqread        slaacd
 11491   23280      1      0  3        0x80  kqread        slaacd
 35414  178563      0      0  3     0x14200  pgzero        zerothread
 42007  519105      0      0  3     0x14200  aiodoned      aiodoned
 10484   88737      0      0  3     0x14200  syncer        update
 71114  340085      0      0  3     0x14200  cleaner       cleaner
 36790  508034      0      0  3     0x14200  reaper        reaper
 54280  150425      0      0  3     0x14200  pgdaemon      pagedaemon
 62555  141628      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         crynlk
 92697  148435      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         crypto
 40020  450283      0      0  3     0x14200  pftm          pfpurge
 28053  311250      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         viomb
  5528  234812      0      0  3     0x14200  usbtsk        usbtask
 46317  305718      0      0  3     0x14200  usbatsk       usbatsk
 69521  191636      0      0  3  0x40014200  acpi0         acpi0
 48329   60164      0      0  2     0x14200                softnet
 83692  333958      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         systqmp
 81330  139091      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         systq
 83841  170126      0      0  3  0x40014200  bored         softclock
 84658  402934      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle0
     1  218590      0      0  3        0x82  wait          init
     0       0     -1      0  3     0x10200  scheduler     swapper
ddb> show uvme
Current UVM status:
  pagesize=4096 (0x1000), pagemask=0xfff, pageshift=12
  505061 VM pages: 73906 active, 2001 inactive, 0 wired, 330430 free (41318 zer
  min  10% (25) anon, 10% (25) vnode, 5% (12) vtext
  pages  0 anon, 0 vnode, 0 vtext
  freemin=16835, free-target=22446, inactive-target=0, wired-max=168353
  faults=2622557, traps=5619303, intrs=19131676, ctxswitch=38289305 fpuswitch=1
  softint=5264586, syscalls=52021722, kmapent=12
  fault counts:
    noram=0, noanon=0, noamap=0, pgwait=0, pgrele=0
    ok relocks(total)=6950(6950), anget(retries)=527368(0), amapcopy=536668
    neighbor anon/obj pg=42042/595874, gets(lock/unlock)=177021/6950
    cases: anon=441038, anoncow=86330, obj=155406, prcopy=21615, przero=1918162

  daemon and swap counts:
    woke=0, revs=0, scans=0, obscans=0, anscans=0
    busy=0, freed=0, reactivate=0, deactivate=0
    pageouts=0, pending=0, nswget=0
    nswapdev=1, nanon=0, nanonneeded=0 nfreeanon=0
    swpages=65535, swpginuse=0, swpgonly=0 paging=0
  kernel pointers:
ddb> show all pool
Name      Size Requests Fail Releases Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg Maxpg Idle
pfsync      72     4097    0     4097   308   308     0     1     0     8    0
arp         56      507    0        0     8     0     8     8     0     8    0
inpcbpl    288   373834    0   370213   362    92   270   324     0     8    0
plimitpl   152      431    0      393     2     0     2     2     0     8    0
rtentry    112     7266    0     4804    71     0    71    71     0     8    0
syncache   264   116990    0   116990   109   108     1     3     0     8    1
sackhl      24    10846    0    10846   416   415     1     1     0     8    1
tcpqe       32   204368    0   204368     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
tcpcb      560   373449    0   369844   354    85   269   323     0     8    0
rttmr       72     5331    0     5305     2     1     1     1     0     8    0
pfosfp      40      846    0      423     5     0     5     5     0     8    0
pfosfpen   112     1428    0      714    21     0    21    21     0     8    0
pfrke_plain 160      12    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pfrktable  1344       4    0        2     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pfstitem    24   936004    0   922848   112     2   110   112     0     8    0
pfstkey    112   936970    0   923766   529    57   472   529     0     8    0
pfstate    312   936970    0   923438  1467   342  1125  1458     0     8    0
pfrule     1360      48    0       16     4     1     3     4     0     8    0
art_heap8  4096       1    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
art_heap4  256    16892    0    15916   130    67    63    65     0     8    0
art_table   32    16893    0    15916     9     0     9     9     0     8    0
art_node    16     7266    0     4817    10     0    10    10     0     8    0
dirhash    1024     119    0       55    10     2     8     8     0     8    0
dino1pl    128    11851    0     1869   333    10   323   323     0     8    0
ffsino     240    11851    0     1869   601    13   588   588     0     8    0
nchpl      144    17398    0    12693   187    12   175   175     0     8    0
uvmvnodes   72    11864    0        0   216     0   216   216     0     8    0
vnodes     200    11864    0        0   625     0   625   625     0     8    0
namei      1024   79308    0    79308   357   357     0     1     0     8    0
uhcixfer   264       54    0       51     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
ehcixfer   264       25    0       24     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
wdcxfer    176        9    0        9     1     1     0     1     0     8    0
scxspl     192    51856    0    51856    26    25     1     7     0     8    1
sigapl     432     3479    0     3412   192   184     8     9     0     8    0
knotepl    112 10241715    0 10238070   177    66   111   124     0     8    0
kqueuepl   320       44    0        3     4     0     4     4     0     8    0
pipepl     120     4770    0     4766     2     1     1     1     0     8    0
fdescpl    440     3480    0     3412   364   356     8    10     0     8    0
filepl     112  1553859    0  1550308   124    18   106   120     0     8    0
lockfpl     88       22    0       22     3     3     0     1     0     8    0
sessionpl  112      439    0      387     2     0     2     2     0     8    0
pgrppl      40      495    0      442     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
ucredpl     96      597    0      536     2     0     2     2     0     8    0
zombiepl   144     3412    0     3412   358   358     0     1     0     8    0
processpl  744     3498    0     3412   365   357     8    10     0     8    0
procpl     568     3498    0     3412     8     1     7     8     0     8    0
sosppl     128     6402    0     6391     3     2     1     1     0     8    0
sockpl     392   375666    0   371574   558   132   426   501     0     8    0
mcl8k      8192     413    0      413   283   283     0     1     0     8    0
mcl4k      4096   23314    0    23314   818   817     1     1     0     8    1
mcl2k2     2112      61    0       61    52    52     0     1     0     8    0
mcl2k      2048 35097026   0 35092827  1041   495   546   651     0     8    0
mbufpl     256 57993754    0 57988782   586   256   330   354     0     8    0
bufpl      256    37186    0    22009  1001    52   949   949     0     8    0
anonpl      16  2026107    0  1954287   371    60   311   311     0   127    0
amapchunkpl 152    5567    0     4520   105    60    45    52     0   158    0
amappl16   192   135167    0   116353   944     1   943   943     0     8    0
amappl15   184     1075    0     1073     2     1     1     1     0     8    0
amappl14   176      375    0      370     3     2     1     2     0     8    0
amappl13   168      786    0      777     3     2     1     3     0     8    0
amappl12   160      437    0      433     3     2     1     2     0     8    0
amappl11   152     2082    0     1946     9     3     6     8     0     8    0
amappl10   144     2994    0     2988     4     3     1     4     0     8    0
amappl9    136      456    0      447     5     4     1     5     0     8    0
amappl8    128     3292    0     3278    68    67     1    39     0     8    0
amappl7    120     5334    0     5232    11     7     4    11     0     8    0
amappl6    112    11466    0    10435    39     8    31    31     0     8    0
amappl5    104    26580    0    25812    52    18    34    46     0     8    0
amappl4     96    12281    0    10851    56    10    46    46     0     8    0
amappl3     88     2225    0     2183    65    64     1    14     0     8    0
amappl2     80    22031    0    21119    51    30    21    33     0     8    0
amappl1     72   231760    0   225341  1284  1167   117   183     0     8    0
amappl      72     1721    0     1401    15     8     7     9     0    75    0
dma4096    4096       1    0        1     1     1     0     1     0     8    0
dma1024    1024       1    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
dma512     512        2    0        2     1     1     0     1     0     8    0
dma256     256        8    0        8     1     1     0     1     0     8    0
dma64       64        5    0        5     1     1     0     1     0     8    0
dma32       32        7    0        7     1     1     0     1     0     8    0
aobjpl      64        1    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
uaddrrnd    24     3480    0     3412     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
uaddrbest   32        2    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
uaddr       24     3480    0     3412     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
vmmpekpl   168   116066    0   116021     3     0     3     3     0     8    0
vmmpepl    168  1337801    0  1300424  4446  2817  1629  1712     0   357    0
vmsppl     256     3479    0     3412     6     1     5     6     0     8    0
pdppl      4096    3479    0     3412   194   185     9    11     0     8    0
pvpl        32  3284944    0  3187659  1050   219   831   836     0   265    0
pmappl     176     3479    0     3412     4     0     4     4     0     8    0
extentpl    40       71    0       42     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
phpool     112     7230    0     3323   113     0   113   113     0     8    0
ddb>   sho bc
Current Buffer Cache status:
numbufs 15062 busymapped 0, delwri 5
kvaslots 6313 avail kva slots 6313
bufpages 60215, dmapages 60215, dirtypages 20
pendingreads 0, pendingwrites 0
highflips 0, highflops 0, dmaflips 0
ddb> show mallo
           Type InUse  MemUse  HighUse   Limit  Requests Type Lim Kern Lim
         devbuf  1931   1179K    1179K  78643K      2806        0        0
            pcb   487    193K     257K  78643K      1860        0        0
         rtable  4948     87K      88K  78643K     36295        0        0
         ifaddr    49     11K      11K  78643K        51        0        0
       counters    14     15K      15K  78643K        14        0        0
       ioctlops     0      0K       4K  78643K      1858        0        0
            iov     0      0K      16K  78643K     23331        0        0
          mount     4      4K       4K  78643K         4        0        0
         vnodes  1225     77K      77K  78643K      1236        0        0
      UFS quota     1     32K      32K  78643K         1        0        0
      UFS mount    17     50K      50K  78643K        17        0        0
            shm     2      1K       1K  78643K         2        0        0
         VM map     2      0K       0K  78643K         2        0        0
            sem     2      0K       0K  78643K         2        0        0
        dirhash    63     11K      11K  78643K       102        0        0
           ACPI   821     93K     273K  78643K     19443        0        0
      file desc    27     67K      71K  78643K        54        0        0
           proc    19     13K      13K  78643K        19        0        0
    NFS srvsock     1      0K       0K  78643K         1        0        0
     NFS daemon     1     16K      16K  78643K         1        0        0
    ip_moptions     2      0K       0K  78643K         2        0        0
       in_multi    17      1K       1K  78643K        18        0        0
    ether_multi     7      0K       0K  78643K         8        0        0
    ISOFS mount     1     32K      32K  78643K         1        0        0
  MSDOSFS mount     1     16K      16K  78643K         1        0        0
           ttys   414   1750K    1750K  78643K       414        0        0
           exec     0      0K       1K  78643K      2785        0        0
     pfkey data     1      0K       0K  78643K         1        0        0
        pagedep     1      8K       8K  78643K         1        0        0
       inodedep     1     32K      32K  78643K         1        0        0
         newblk     1      0K       0K  78643K         1        0        0
        VM swap     7     22K      22K  78643K         7        0        0
       UVM amap 21712   1254K    1254K  78643K    136234        0        0
       UVM aobj     2      2K       2K  78643K         2        0        0
            USB    63     17K      17K  78643K        71        0        0
     USB device    13      0K       0K  78643K        13        0        0
        memdesc     1      4K       4K  78643K         1        0        0
    crypto data     1      1K       1K  78643K         1        0        0
            NDP     9      0K       0K  78643K         9        0        0
           temp   193    145K     209K  78643K     47411        0        0
      SYN cache     2     16K      16K  78643K         2        0        0
ddb> show socket
socket 0xffffffff81540d49
so_type: -15415
so_options: 0x6666
so_linger: 26256
so_state: 21904
so_pcb: 0x48819655e0c7c748
so_proto: 0xe9c910ec8348e589
so_head: 0x90666666fff26f1b
so_onq: 0x5590666690666666
so_q0: @0xffffffff81540d71 first: 0xec8348e58948c031
so_q: @0xffffffff81540d81 first: 0x48f87d8948fb89e8
so_eq: next: 0x5155e8f48941818c
so_q0len: 15741
so_qlen: -9339
so_qlimit: 14712
so_timeo: 25416
so_pgid: -2121585109
so_siguid: -986412216
so_sigeuid: -2121040256
so_obmark: 4899932136454799409
so_sp: 0x8b4ce05d8b48e689
kernel: protection fault trap, code=0
Faulted in DDB; continuing...
ddb> show mbu
mbuf 0xffffffff81540d49
m_type: 26214   m_flags: 9066<M_PKTHDR,M_EOR,M_VLANTAG,M_LOOP,M_TUNNEL,M_LINK0>

m_next: 0x559066906666c3c9      m_nextpkt: 0x48819655e0c7c748
m_data: 0xe9c910ec8348e589      m_len: 4294078235
m_dat: 0xffffffff81540d69       m_pktdat: 0xffffffff81540db9
m_ptkhdr.ph_ifidx: 2302771596   m_pkthdr.len: 1224444392
m_ptkhdr.ph_tags: 0xec8348e58948c031    m_pkthdr.ph_tagsset: 7d89<IPSEC_IN_DONE
m_pkthdr.ph_flowid: 18680       m_pkthdr.ph_loopcnt: 244
m_pkthdr.csum_flags: 7589<IPV4_CSUM_OUT,IPV4_CSUM_IN_OK,UDP_CSUM_IN_OK,UDP_CSUM
m_pkthdr.ether_vtag: 18672      m_ptkhdr.ph_rtableid: 4223190983
m_pkthdr.pf.statekey: 0x3f717f1d3b000e  m_pkthdr.pf.inp 0x63483978db853d7d
m_pkthdr.pf.qid: 3351726275     m_pkthdr.pf.tag: 11819
m_pkthdr.pf.routed: 129 m_pkthdr.pf.prio: 72
ddb> show reg
rdi                              0x1
rsi                              0x5
rbp               0xffff800021370808
rbx               0xffffffff81797348    alc_devices+0x678
rdx                                0
rcx                            0x282    clean_idt+0x262
rax                              0x1
r8                0xffff800021370718
r9                                 0
r10               0xffff800021370778
r11               0xffffffff81323c00    comcnputc
r12                            0x100    clean_idt+0xe0
r13               0xffff800021370818
r14               0xffff8000ffffe900
r15                              0x1
rip               0xffffffff81540d49    db_enter+0x9
cs                               0x8
rflags                         0x282    clean_idt+0x262
rsp               0xffff8000213707f8
ss                              0x10
db_enter+0x9:   leave

Don't know.
Not known.

OpenBSD 6.1-current (GENERIC) #4: Mon Jun 12 12:53:00 MDT 2017
real mem = 2130546688 (2031MB)
avail mem = 2060242944 (1964MB)
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.8 @ 0xf69d0 (9 entries)
bios0: vendor SeaBIOS version "1.9.1-1.fc24" date 04/01/2014
bios0: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)
acpi0 at bios0: rev 0
acpi0: sleep states S5
acpi0: tables DSDT FACP APIC
acpi0: wakeup devices
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee00000: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX), 2594.01 MHz
cpu0: 64KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 64KB 64b/line 2-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 1
6-way L2 cache
cpu0: ITLB 255 4KB entries direct-mapped, 255 4MB entries direct-mapped
cpu0: DTLB 255 4KB entries direct-mapped, 255 4MB entries direct-mapped
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 8 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 1000MHz
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 0 pa 0xfec00000, version 11, 24 pins
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C1(@1 halt!)
"ACPI0006" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0303" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0F13" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0700" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0501" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0A06" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0A06" at acpi0 not configured
"QEMU0002" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0A06" at acpi0 not configured
pvbus0 at mainbus0: KVM
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 82441FX" rev 0x02
pcib0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 "Intel 82371SB ISA" rev 0x00
pciide0 at pci0 dev 1 function 1 "Intel 82371SB IDE" rev 0x00: DMA, channel 0 w
ired to compatibility, channel 1 wired to compatibility
atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0
scsibus1 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: <QEMU, QEMU DVD-ROM, 2.5+> ATAPI 5/cdrom removabl
cd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2
pciide0: channel 1 disabled (no drives)
piixpm0 at pci0 dev 1 function 3 "Intel 82371AB Power" rev 0x03: apic 0 int 9
iic0 at piixpm0
vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Red Hat QXL Video" rev 0x04
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
virtio0 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 "Qumranet Virtio Network" rev 0x00
vio0 at virtio0: address 52:54:00:3e:26:3d
virtio0: msix shared
virtio1 at pci0 dev 4 function 0 "Qumranet Virtio Network" rev 0x00
vio1 at virtio1: address 52:54:00:54:4d:60
virtio1: msix shared
azalia0 at pci0 dev 5 function 0 "Intel 82801FB HD Audio" rev 0x01: apic 0 int 1
azalia0: No codecs found
virtio2 at pci0 dev 6 function 0 "Qumranet Virtio Console" rev 0x00
virtio2: no matching child driver; not configured
uhci0 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x03: apic 0 int 11
uhci1 at pci0 dev 7 function 1 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x03: apic 0 int 11
uhci2 at pci0 dev 7 function 2 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x03: apic 0 int 10
ehci0 at pci0 dev 7 function 7 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x03: apic 0 int 10
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 a
ddr 1
virtio3 at pci0 dev 8 function 0 "Qumranet Virtio Storage" rev 0x00
vioblk0 at virtio3
scsibus2 at vioblk0: 2 targets
sd0 at scsibus2 targ 0 lun 0: <VirtIO, Block Device, > SCSI3 0/direct fixed
sd0: 4096MB, 512 bytes/sector, 8388608 sectors
virtio3: msix shared
virtio4 at pci0 dev 9 function 0 "Qumranet Virtio Memory" rev 0x00
viomb0 at virtio4
virtio4: apic 0 int 10
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0/6 irq 6 drq 2
fd0 at fdc0 drive 1: density unknown
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
com0: console
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5 irq 1 irq 12
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
spkr0 at pcppi0
usb1 at uhci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 a
ddr 1
usb2 at uhci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub2 at usb2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 a
ddr 1
usb3 at uhci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 a
ddr 1
vscsi0 at root
scsibus3 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus4 at softraid0: 256 targets
root on sd0a (ade9f690fa52e710.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b


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